What are the safety protection measures for the Variable Frequency AC Resonant Test System

The safety measures of Variable Frequency AC Resonant Test System are as follows:
- Sampling is done on the lowvoltage arm of the divider. In case of faults or abnormalities in the test circuit or the specimen, the power supply is promptly cut off through optical fiber signal transmission.
- Breakdown and flashover protection: Automatically cuts off the output when ground flashover occurs on the highvoltage side.
- If the output current of the variable frequency cabinet reaches the set protection value, the entire set of equipment is automatically disconnected, displaying "Exceeding the highvoltage current setting value."
- In case the overcurrent protection is not sensitive enough to detect small fault currents, software settings trigger an alarm when the voltage drop across three cycles exceeds 20%, indicating a breakdown in highvoltage, displaying "Highvoltage breakdown fault." The signal source is promptly shut down, and the main circuit power is disconnected. This fault is not considered a breakdown fault when adjusting the frequency.
- Zero position protection at startup: It is necessary to start from zero to boost the voltage; otherwise, the output will not start.
- Divergence protection: If the specimen undergoes parameter variations due to internal defects leading to detuning of the test system, the control box automatically shuts off the output.